On source: rsync -avopr -e ssh /vz/template/* root@[destination_ip]:/vz/template/
On destination: rsync -avopr -e ssh root@[source_ip]:/vz/template/* /vz/template/
Archive for the ‘virtualization’ Category
on source: vzmigrate –keep-dst -r no -v root@IP CTID
will ask for password
for online migration:
on destination: service vz init
on source: vzmigrate –keep-dst –online -r no -v root@IP CTID
will ask for password
to list backups full
on backup server:
vzarestore -l -f -e <host-of-vps or ID>
to restore only a folder/file
on HN of vps:
vzarestore <id container> --files <path to folder or file> -b <backup ID> --storage user:"password"@<ip of backup server>
qemu-img.exe convert -O vmdk hdd.vdi hdd.vmdk