Archive for the ‘windows’ Category

in command prompt type: iisweb.vbs /query

C:\Program Files\PS3 Media Server\win32>mencoder d:\77\DSC_0215.AVI -ovc x264 -x
264encopts bitrate=3200 -oac mp3lame -o d:\77\plc.mkv

This works from windows xp to win7 including winvista
Insert stick [4G]
SELECT DISK 1 -> could be other disk

c:\>h:\boot\bootsect.exe /nt60 G:
Target volumes will be updated with BOOTMGR compatible bootcode.

G: (\\?\Volume{4d8bf5bc-6871-11de-96b2-001e8caaee56})

Successfully updated NTFS filesystem bootcode.

Bootcode was successfully updated on all targeted volumes.

the copy the contents from iso/dvd on stick

sc.exe create testservice binPath= "C:\test.exe -k runservice" DisplayName= "testservice"
sc.exe delete testservice

Hello again! I decided to stop making programming tutorials for a couple of days so in this tutorial you will learn how
to set up NAT Routing on Windows XP. Some of you know that some time ago I was working on a project in Visual Basic 6
that would do this thing. So, in Windows there is a tool that is used to manage network stuff like setting IP Addresses,
set up routing etc. This tool’s name is netsh (short for network shell). Using netsh you will need 2 NICs (Network
Interface Cards), one to connect to the public network(to the Internet) and the other to connect to the private
network(to other computers in LAN). So the network schema will look like this:

As we see, the machine that has 2 NICs will have routing enabled and will be the other client’s gateway. The clients
will connect to their gateway through a switch(if there will be only one client you can use a cross-over cable from
gateway’s private NIC to clients NIC).

First we open the Control Panel. If you are using the “Category View” to view icons first go to “Performance and
Maintenance” and then “Administrative Tools” otherwise go straight to the “Administrative Tools” then open
“Services”. On the list find “Routing and Remote Access”, double click on it and set the Startup type to
“Automatic” and click OK. Close the Services window and open the registry editor by going to Start > Run… and
typing “regedit” without the “ ”. Click OK and in the window expand to the following path: My Computer >
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Services > Tcpip > Parameters. Now in the list you will see something
like “IPEnableRouter”. Double click on it and turn the value from 0 to 1. Now restart your computer.

You must know the names of your adapters you are using. For the tutorial we will use “Wireless Network Connection”
for the public NIC and “Local Area Connection” for the private NIC.

Now we open the command prompt and type the following command to install NAT:


netsh routing ip nat install

Now type the next command to add the public interface:


netsh routing ip nat add interface "Wireless Network Connection" full

And the last command to add the private interface:


netsh routing ip nat add interface "Local Area Connection" private

…and the installation is done!

What about the client’s IP addresses?
Oh yeah! Set an IP to the private NIC of the machine that is doing routing and the clients will use that IP as their
default gateway. The client’s IP addresses must be the same subnet as the gateways. Your public NIC’s IP doesn’t
need to be changed!

Heres an example of an IP configuration:

As you see the public NIC’s IP address on the routing machine is not the same subnet as the private NIC’s IP
address. So be careful, the mustn’t be!

I hope you will find this thread useful and save some money buying routers. If you want to set up a wireless router then
check the tutorials session later because I’ll be talking about creating ad-hoc wireless networks on Windows XP.

PS: I’m sorry if you don’t like my computers on the schemes, I’ve drawn them in Paint, lol

Best wishes,

Putty is an SSH/telnet/etc client which allows you to connect to remote servers such as a Linux or BSD webserver. When
you change directories etc in a terminal shell the window title in Putty is likely to change, depending on the shell’s
settings. This post looks at how to change the Putty window title to be what you want and how to prevent it changing as
you change directories.

The first screenshot below shows the Windows taskbar with several instances of Putty running. The default value is
usually something like the login name followed by the hostname and then the current directory. This can make it
difficult to know which window is which when wanting to bring up a specific open putty connection.
putty windows with default naming from the shell

It is usually possible in your server’s shell configuration to change what appears in the window title, but instead of
messing around with that you can do it in Putty instead.

Before logging in, make a couple of configuration settings changes and you can make the window title whatever you want
it to be. Select “Window” -> “Bahaviour” and then enter a name in the “Window Title”. In the example below I have
labelled it “webserver” but it can be anything you want. The title will appear in the window’s title area, the taskbar
button and in the Alt+Tab task switcher.
changing the window title with putty

The next step is to select “Terminal” -> “Features” and tick the box that is labelled “disable remote-controller window
title changing” as shown in the screenshot below. Without setting this option the window title is likely to change when
you change directories on the remote server.
prevent xterm from changing the window title

The final step is to save your settings so you don’t need to keep doing this each time. Go back to the main session
screen, enter a name into the “Saved Sessions” section and click the “Save” button as shown in the screenshot below.
save your session for next time

The final screenshot below shows some example names and how much easier it is to distinguish among the various Putty
windows open.
putty window titles with custom naming

It’s really easy to change the window title in Putty and makes it a lot easier to identify a particular server when, if
like me, you often have several of them open.

Ever perform a cat command on a binary file at the command
line? Usually, you get a screen full of bizarre characters, and
sometimes you end up with a terminal that.s unusable. Rather
than having to close the terminal and re-open it, just issue a
reset command:


And, all should go back to normal. Sometimes the carriage
return may stop working in your terminal, in which case, you
need to do the following to make reset work:


<LF> is the line-feed character, normally Ctrl-J.